May 29, 2015

Late to the Party

I never thought I would include an entry such as this but, technically, writing about my contracting chicken pox falls in line with what I've been trying to do with this blog -- remember the highlights in any given month that helped make it unique. Therefore, by definition, being debilitated by a disease has definitely made this month unique from all others.

I've learned a lot about chicken pox since I've been living with it these past two weeks. Amazing what you can learn from the internet -- not only reassuring words that my symptoms were typical but best methods for treating the disease. The first few days were, indeed, the most difficult because I experienced fever, shakes, dizziness, loss of appetite etc but didn't know why. Once the spots started appearing, I knew the road I was to travel.

Reaction from others was expected: "Really, getting chicken pox at your age?" Yup, I successfully avoided it for 5 decades but I guess this was my allotted time. Since you can only get it once in a lifetime and it is better to go through it early, my parents tried their best to have me join the chicken pox party when my older brother had it, but to no avail. No amount of hugging or sharing water glasses had an effect on me.

All in all, this experience hasn't been that bad after hearing other adult accounts. Fortunately, the medication kept things under control and the spots were not itchy. Missing two weeks of work did throw a wrench into the ending of the school year, however. Worst of all I missed seeing my seniors graduate. But even though I couldn't be at graduation in person, my thoughts and prayers still go with these kids as they start a new post-ICS chapter in their lives.

If I realize anything positive from the experience, it has to be the number of people who contacted and supported me with their well-wishes. It is a blessing to have family and friends who support you when you're feeling terrible and like a prisoner in your home. I also have come to realize how blessed we are in Bangkok with good medical services; as I visited the foreigner hospital near my church in downtown Bangkok it became apparent to me that it's more like a luxury hotel than hospital with all the services one could ask for!

This is one party I wish I could have missed but the invitation arrived and I was crazy enough to open and accept.