February 20, 2013

Movin' On Up (Thailand 2013)

Movin' on up to the seventh floor, that is.

One event this month was making the move to an apartment complex next to our school. I appreciated living in an apartment on campus like most of my first year coworkers but now that our first year is near an end, we need to make room for next year's new staff. Admittedly, I wasn't excited about making another move but now that I'm in my new apartment, I'm glad it's a done deal!

As I joked with a coworker today, one of the down-sides to my move is that my commute has tripled at the beginning and end of the work day. Instead of a one minute walk to the front doors of the school, I now have a three minute walk. I guess I'll have to get up earlier in the morning to account for the added (foot) traffic =)

It was nice living on campus but living next door definitely comes with its advantages, like swimming pool, private balconies, rec center, green areas and even being closer to the taxi stand. The apartment is on a top floor where I have a wonderful view of green fields, the sprawling Bangkok skyline and sunsets. It definitely has a cosmopolitan feel to it!

How about these morning and evening shots taken since I moved in...

February 17, 2013

Mango Rains

I commented to a Thai friend recently that I was surprised it was raining because I thought we were in dry season!? Turns out I was correct that rainy season isn't for another 3-4 months (typically June to October) but many southern countries like Thailand experience what are called Mango Rains.

By definition, Mango Rains are pre-monsoon showers or short bursts of thunderstorms that occur sporadically in the months preceding the rainy season and help the ripening of mangoes. While these rains are hard to predict, they are essential to preventing mangoes from dropping prematurely from trees. I guess the periodic moisture helps ripen the fruit to God-designed perfection.

I say I'm all for these rains... anything to help produce the mango which has become my new favorite tropical fruit. The best dessert in Thailand: Mango and Sticky Rice consisting of fresh mango slices with rice covered in a coconut sauce. If you haven't had it, you've got to try it!